
Torpid Bordem

I'm sitting here, I'm my room, leaning in my tilted chair watching Made. Where did life go? Oh yeah, straight to hell...

It's sad to think that my job hates so much, that they only schedule me on the days they need me to do stuff, cause I'm the only one who knows how to do it. Its equally more pathetic to think that I'm going to sit here and take it. It makes you think...

In, my sudden burst of free time, I have found an amazing new RPG online called FORUMWARZ. (I'll put a link in my links tab). It's stupendously fun, and retardedly funny.

So, I'm gonna type up a resume, and give it to Mom tomorrow. Damn I want a job at CGS. It would get me out of this life rut I'm in, and even get me on a straight track... hopefully...

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